My first idea for this canvas was totally different from the current one. It took me one week to decide what to paint and one week more to realize it in vain: I couldn’t concentrate to guide my hands. Then I chose another solution that seemed to be safer, but still ruined it. Finally, after a night long thinking about a purple sunset, I went to the office anxiously and started to “pick” it immediately with strong but thin strokes. This is how it became finally!
My song that has the same emotions of purple sunset:
Nắng mang màu tím tím tím hoàng hôn
Nắng mang màu đêm chôn trong bờ cát
Nắng mang màu gió bát ngát triều dương
Nắng mang màu sương sương sương sương sương…
tơ vương trên mắt em
Nắng mang màu lá lá lá nhẹ bay
Nắng mang màu mây vây quanh triền núi
Nắng mang màu suối suối suối ngọt trong
Nắng mang màu trông trông trông trông mong
chộn rộn chút hồn tôi
Nắng mang màu môi môi môi môi cười
Nắng mang màu yêu yêu yêu yêu người
Nắng mang màu em long lanh trên đồi
Ồ, nắng cũng mang màu mưa rơi
Nắng mang màu lốm đốm nắng hoà ca
Nắng mang màu hoa xôn xao ngày mới
Nắng mang màu mối mối mối tình xinh
Nắng mang màu lung linh lung linh…
dịu dàng giữa đời tôi
Nắng tô thắm đất trời
Nắng sưởi ấm cõi đời
Nắng ban tình con người
Nắng mang em đến bên tôi
Sunshine has the color of purple sunset
Sunshine has the color of the night that kisses the beach
Sunshine has the color of the wind on the immense ocean
Sunshine has the color of the dews that alight on your eyes
Sunshine has the color of light flying leaves
Sunshine has the color of clouds that surround the mountains
Sunshine has the color of fresh and pure streams
Sunshine has the color of the desire for you that is burning in my heart
Sunshine has the color of smiling lips
Sunshine has the color of my love for you
Sunshine has the color of you sparkling on the hill
Oh, sunshine also has the color of the rain…
Sunshine has the color of the dancing shadows’ chorus
Sunshine has the color of exciting flowers in the new day
Sunshine has the color of our pretty love
Sunshine has the color of you twinkling and graceful in my life…
Sunshine colors the earth
Sunshine warms the life
Sunshine gives love to us
Sunshine brings you to me…